Hello Falk Schuster
We are pleased to announce that your film Out on a Limb has been chosen for the Bradford Animation Festival 2011.
Your film has been chosen to play out of competition and will appear in the Panorama 3.
Can you please confirm the following information:
· Are you happy for the film to be screened in the festival?
OHHHHH, I'M SOOOOO HAPPY!!! Das BAF ist laut Augenzeugenberichten das berühmteste Trickfilmfestival Englands.
Seht selbst: www.baf.org.uk

Dear Falk Schuster,
I’m delighted to inform you that your film: Out On A Limb, has been shortlisted for the ‘Best International Film’ award at Canterbury Anifest 2011.
Your animation has been selected as part of Sunday night’s screening, and has the potential to win the award.
Seht selbst: www.canterburyanifest.com
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