Montag, 13. Dezember 2010

Animac goes to the people - AnimacMobil

The CCCB (canal cultural barcelona) offers a selection of the best animation films from the last Animac Festival of Lleida, thanks to Animac Mòbil that going on tour where there is public interested in enjoy it, in order that the animation reaches the citizens around so it can be known and appreciated in the best conditions.

Have a look here and here

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

Фестиваль анимационных искусств «Мультивидение»

"VII International Festival of Animation Arts Multivision take place at 3-12 December 2010
The choice of the Jury is 15 best animations in different nominations. This year we got a lot of brilliant animations in the program, much more than last year, and the jury had a very difficult task..."

The festival begins at 3.12.2010.
Winners will be announced at 12.12.2010

Zum Wetter passend kommt "Laufende Geschäfte" morgen im wahrscheinlich ebenfalls tief verschneiten Russland/ St.Petersburg (ich hätte noch Freikarten)